Halloween 🎃

Happy Halloween 🎃 my seedlings 🌱!

Today marks the day James and I got together six years ago. This is a very special time for us because it is also our favourite holiday of the year.

This year we carved a pumpkin but did not participate on the “trick or treat” walk around our village. Mainly because our pumpkin rotted very fast and we did not feel like doing another one. But also because we don’t want people knocking on our door at the moment. Nothing in particular, just don’t fancy interacting with people today.

We did a Pikachu this time!

It was not as good as our reference but I think it’s still recognisable as Pikachu so that is enough! I also entered this photo for work’s carving competition and we will find out if I won anything I believe this Tuesday.

November will be a very interesting month and hopefully quite a fast month. I did book last week off from work so that’s why the month will feel a bit short in a good way.

Today we spent most of the day packing for our move. At this point there is no space for anything in the house and we still have so many things to pack! It feels a bit crazy and cluttered which makes me a bit anxious, but I understand this is part of the process.

We saw a beautiful rainbow 🌈 on our way home!

James and I are quite excited for this new chapter of our lives. We will be able to finally decorate spaces in our house the way we like it. Plus we will finally be able to get some exercise as we will be more free to walk places. I know it sounds weird, but here where we are now is very boring in terms of walking. We can only look at the same houses over and over again so many times before you just give up.

Anyway. I’m also excited to finally get some time for hobbies and all. As per one of my other posts, I got into making miniatures and I can’t wait to make more. I am thinking I want to create my own ones, like actually make little things and not just the one store bought. Although I will keep with the kits ones for a while until I get the courage to make them myself.

We also bought these cute little pumpkins so I had to make them cute!

On some other less joyful news, Zelda is now in hamster heaven. We believe she had a peaceful passing in her sleep, her eyes were still closed when we saw her in the morning. It felt very strange not to have her anymore specially because she was improving and gaining weight back. But… she was happy I hope, and she was very, very loved for sure.

We will miss you, princess!

So, yeah. Bit of an update on our lives. I hope to have a desktop soon so I can feel like writing again (doing it on the phone is terrible because my fingers are too chubby for the keyboard so it takes considerably longer to type anything). Also, I can’t wait to have a job where looking at screens is not necessary because my eyes hurt so much more now because I spend more than seven hours staring at one.

Talk soon, my seedlings 🌱!

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