Hello again, naturally

Happy Sunday, seedlings! 🍀

Wow that is a long time between posts, I do apologise.

Truth is we have been very busy since a bit before Easter break, then super-busy during the break (we did not have time to rest at all) and I got super super stressed after that so I really did not have the energy to post regularly for that period.

Work has been very demanding of my mental energy lately and I barely had the time to breathe. Part of my work involves calling people and I am very anxious about that. I guess I find some comfort in knowing some of my colleagues are anxious about it too, but they do it anyway. So not only that gives me comfort, I think it also inspires me to do this part of the job well.

This was a while ago, but recently it has been very nice weather!

On the few bits of relaxation we have had these past weeks we went to Dartmoor to have a walk and take some photos. We also saw some lovely ponies and noticed they have started to shed their winter coat.

Recently we went to our little spot in Torquay, a slate beach of sorts and enjoyed the Sun for a while. We had fun stacking stones and walking on the rocks before having some ice cream and going home.

This is a simple one I made, but James made a stack of big rocks!

For a while I have been working on a little needle felt capybara (or capivara, in Portuguese) and I have only finished it today! I bought these plastic eyes from an Etsy store and have used them twice now. I am enjoying working with these eyes, but I wonder if I am making them right.

I had the idea of making a capybara/capivara after I made my little sheep last time. I thought at first that I wanted to make some more sheep, but English people know these very well, so why not some other animals too? So I thought of the capybara/capivara because they are giant rodents and they are so cute!

She definitely has a better side!

I got the leg proportions wrong in the beginning so I had to adapt a bit, which is why she is sitting. I’m never sure if people understand when I give genres to animals straight away, but that is because in Portuguese every word is either feminine, masculine or neutral. The capybara/capivara happens to be feminine!

The other day we went to this big store called The Range and we bought some little necessities there, but we also like to browse for house things to get inspired for when we decorate our own house. In that store, there are very nice hamster things so we often get something for Zelda there.

I also tried this hat!

So this is the little update I have for you, my loves! Again, sorry for being away for such a long time, but I really wanted to have a few days where I didn’t have to think of anything. I need a bit of a brain reboot session every weekend!

Also, yesterday was my mum’s birthday 🌷💖 and I really wish I could have spent it with her; give her a big hug and a shower of kisses! Hopefully we will see each other soon physically, but I understand it may take a while.

Anyway, speak to you soon, seedlings! I will try not to be away for too long! 🌱⚘

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